Extensions Kit Docs (Under Development)


An essential and powerful library of dart extensions to remove the boilerplate and speed up the development process.

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library/documentation is missing a feature, please raise a ticket. Pull requests are also welcomed.


Follow the steps below to add extensions_kit to your project:

  1. In your project root folder go to pubspec.yaml
  2. Add extensions_kit and replace [version] with the latest version:
  3. dependencies:								
      extensions_kit: ^[version]
  4. Click on get packages button or run flutter pub get
  5. Import
  6. import 'package:extensions_kit/extensions_kit.dart';


The Ext mixin extensions includes pixel values for common sizes (dp10 through dp50) and various color constants in both hex and Color format, covering a wide range of shades in categories like gray, slate, red, orange, amber, yellow, and more. Additionally, it provides easy access to the constants within Flutter widgets. This can be particularly useful for maintaining a consistent design language throughout a Flutter application, ensuring standardized sizes and colors.
Available extensions are:

Unique ID

Get a unique ID consisting of random alphanumeric characters and an optional timestamp. The uniqueId function generates a unique identifier by combining random alphanumeric characters with an optional current timestamp (milliseconds since epoch). The default length of the ID is 17 + (Timestamp length) characters, but it can be customized by providing a specific length.

String id = Ext.uniqueId(); // Generates a unique ID with default length 17 + (Timestamp length)

Pixel Values

You can access constant pixel values from dp10 through dp50:

Ext.dp10; // 10 Pixels
Ext.dp12; // 12 Pixels
Ext.dp13; // 13 Pixels
Ext.dp14; // 14 Pixels
Ext.dp15; // 15 Pixels
Ext.dp16; // 16 Pixels
Ext.dp17; // 17 Pixels
Ext.dp18; // 18 Pixels
Ext.dp19; // 19 Pixels
Ext.dp20; // 20 Pixels
Ext.dp21; // 21 Pixels
Ext.dp22; // 22 Pixels
Ext.dp23; // 23 Pixels
Ext.dp24; // 24 Pixels
Ext.dp25; // 25 Pixels
Ext.dp26; // 26 Pixels
Ext.dp27; // 27 Pixels
Ext.dp28; // 28 Pixels
Ext.dp29; // 29 Pixels
Ext.dp30; // 30 Pixels
Ext.dp35; // 35 Pixels
Ext.dp40; // 40 Pixels
Ext.dp45; // 45 Pixels
Ext.dp50; // 50 Pixels


There is a range of colors that you can access in hex or Color format.

  'Hello, World!',
  style: TextStyle(
   color: Ext.rose700, // rose700 color
   fontSize: 24.0,

Hex to Color

Convert a hexadecimal color code to a corresponding Color object. The input String can be either a 6-digit RGB code or a 7-digit RGBA code, where the optional alpha channel is represented by the first two characters.

String hexCode = "#FF5733";
Color myColor = Ext.hexToColor(hexCode); // Color from hex

Get MaterialColor

Convert a Color to a corresponding MaterialColor.

Color myColor = Colors.blue;
MaterialColor myMaterialColor = Ext.getMaterialColor(myColor); // MaterialColor

Random Color

There are three methods available to generate a random Color

Color myRandomColor = Ext.randomColor; // Generates a random color with random RGB values

Color myRandomPrimaryColor = Ext.randomPrimaryColor; // Generates a random primary color

Color myRandomOpaqueColor = Ext.randomOpaqueColor; // Generates a random opaque color with a fully opaque alpha value

Copy to Clipboard

Copies the provided String to the device clipboard.

Ext.copy("Hello, Clipboard!"); // "Hello, Clipboard!" Copied to clipboard!

Show Snackbar

A fully customizable method to show snackbar of three different types.

Message Snackbar
Ext.showMessageSnackbar("This is a message Snackbar", context); // Message Snackbar
Error Snackbar
Ext.showErrorSnackbar("This is an Error Snackbar", context); // Error Snackbar
Info Snackbar
Ext.showInfoSnackbar("This is an info Snackbar", context); // Info Snackbar

Distance b/w Coordinates

Calculates the great-circle distance between two geographic coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) using the Haversine formula.
The input coordinates are specified in decimal degrees format.
lat1 - Latitude of the first point.
lng1 - Longitude of the first point.
lat2 - Latitude of the second point.
lng2 - Longitude of the second point.

double distance = Ext.getDistanceFromCoordinates(37.7749, -122.4194, 34.0522, -118.2437); // 559.12 


To check platform related info there are a set of methods available that you can use.

Ext.isReleaseMode; // Checks whether the application is running in release mode.

Ext.isDebugMode; // Checks whether the application is running in debug mode.

Ext.isProfileMode; // Checks whether the application is running in profile mode.

Ext.isWeb; // Checks whether the application is running on the web.

Ext.isAndroid; // Checks whether the device is running on Android.

Ext.isIOS; // Checks whether the device is running on iOS.

Ext.isMobileOS; // Checks whether the device is a mobile operating system (Android or iOS).

Ext.isLinux; // Checks whether the device is running on Linux.

Ext.isMacOS; // Checks whether the device is running on macOS.

Ext.isWindows; // Checks whether the device is running on Windows.

Ext.isFuchsia; // Checks whether the device is running on Fuchsia.

Ext.isDesktop; // Checks whether the device is running on Desktop.

String Extensions

Extensions for adding additional functionality to the String.

Check Email

Validate an email

"example@mail.com".isEmail; // true


Capitalize each word in the String

"hello world".capitalize; // Hello World

Capitalizes the first word in the String

"hello world".capitalizeFirst; // Hello world

Remove Spaces

Remove all the whitespace from the String

"This Is A Test String".removeAllWhitespace; // ThisIsATestString


Mocks a String that needs to be translated or changed later.

"Hello world".mock; // Hello world ๐Ÿงจ


Check if a String is bool or convert a String to bool

// If caseSensitive is true, which is the default,
// The only accepted inputs are the strings "true" and "false",
"true".isBool(); // true
"TRUE".isBool(); // false 
"TRUE".isBool(caseSensitive: false); // true

// If `caseSensitive` is `true`, which is the default,
// The only accepted inputs are the strings `"true"` and `"false"`,
"true".toBool(); // true
"TRUE".toBool(); // throws error 
"TRUE".toBool(caseSensitive: false); // true

Num String

Extensions to validate and convert String containing numbers.

// Check if the string is a number
'2021'.isNum; // true
'1f'.isNum; // false

// Convert a string into a number
"123".toNum; // 123

// Check if a string is a double number
"123.45".isDouble; // true

// Convert a string into a double
"123.12".toDouble; // 123.12

// Check if a string is an integer
"123".isInt; // true

// Convert a string into an integer
"123".toInt; // 123

Match RegExp

Check if the String matches the Regular expression (RegExp)

"username_10".hasMatch("r'[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890._]"); // true

Media Query

From the MediaQuery Access properties right in the context instance.

// Before
  width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,
  height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height,

// Now
  width: context.screenWidth, // 100% of screen width
  height: context.screenHeight, // 100% of screen height

  width: context.w(50), // 50% of screen width
  height: context.h(40.5), // 40.5% of screen height

Theme Extensions

Use context instance and check whether the app is currently in dark mode or light mode.

  color: Ext.isDarkMode ? Colors.black : Colors.white; // Dark mode check

  color: Ext.isLightMode ? Colors.black : Colors.white; // Light mode check

Date Extensions

Extensions for adding additional functionality to the DateTime class.


Formats the DateTime according to the specified pattern in a readable form. The format method allows you to create custom date and time formats by using placeholders that represent various components of the date and time.

Supported Placeholders:
  • yyyy: Full year (e.g., 2024)
  • yy: Last two digits of the year (e.g., 22)
  • MMMM: Full month name (e.g., January)
  • MMM: Abbreviated month name (e.g., Jan)
  • MM: Two-digit month (01 - 12)
  • M: Single-digit month (1 - 12)
  • dd: Two-digit day of the month (01 - 31)
  • d: Single-digit day of the month (1 - 31)
  • HH: Two-digit hour in 24-hour format (00 - 23)
  • hh: Two-digit hour in 12-hour format (01 - 12)
  • mm: Two-digit minute (00 - 59)
  • ss: Two-digit second (00 - 59)
  • a: AM or PM
  • EEEE: Full weekday name (e.g., Monday)
  • EEE: Abbreviated weekday name (e.g., Mon)
DateTime now = DateTime.now();
String formattedDate = now.format('yyyy-MM-dd โ€“ HH:mm');
print(formattedDate);  // 2024-01-08 โ€“ 15:30


Get the difference between two DateTime instances in years, months, and days.

If you want the result in abbreviated form (y, m, d), pass true to the abbr parameter, which is false by default.

The result is formatted as a string indicating the difference in years, months, and days. If a component is zero, it won't be included in the result.
b - The other DateTime instance to compare against.
abbr - If true, the result will be abbreviated (y, m, d); otherwise, it will be in long form.

DateTime start = DateTime.now();
DateTime end = DateTime.now().add(Duration(days: 500));
print(start.diffYearsMonthsDays(end));  // 1 year 4 months 15 days

DateTime start2 = DateTime.now();
DateTime end2 = DateTime.now().add(Duration(days: 370));
print(start2.diffYearsMonthsDays(end2, abbr: true));  // 1 y 5 d

Note: This method provides an approximation and may not be entirely accurate, especially when dealing with leap years and months of varying lengths.

Difference in Days

Get the difference between two DateTime instances in days.

DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 12);

int daysDifference = date2.diffDays(date1);
print(daysDifference);  // 4
Difference in Hours

Get the difference between two DateTime instances in hours.

DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 12, 0);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 12, 9, 30);

int hoursDifference = date2.diffHours(date1);
print(hoursDifference);  // 92
Difference in Minutes

Get the difference between two DateTime instances in minutes.

DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 12, 0);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 12, 9, 30);

int minutesDifference = date2.diffMinutes(date1);
print(minutesDifference);  // 5530
Difference in Seconds

Get the difference between two DateTime instances in seconds.

DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 12, 0, 0);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 12, 9, 30, 15);

int secondsDifference = date2.diffSeconds(date1);
print(secondsDifference);  // 331215

Date Only

The dateOnly extension provides a convenient way to obtain a new DateTime instance with the same date as the original but with the time set to midnight (00:00:00). This is useful when you want to work specifically with the date component and ignore the time.

DateTime fullDateTime = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 15, 30);
DateTime dateOnly = fullDateTime.dateOnly;
print(dateOnly);  // 2024-01-08 00:00:00.000

Is Same Day

The isSameDay method compares the year, month, and day components of two DateTime instances. It returns true if they are on the same day and false otherwise.

DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 12, 0);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 18, 30);

print(date1.isSameDay(date2));  // true

Is Same Week

The isSameWeek method compares the year, month, and day components of two DateTime instances, ignoring the time component, and determines if they fall within the same week.

DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 12);

bool result = date1.isSameWeek(date2);
print(result);  // true

Is Today

The isToday extension checks whether the date of the DateTime instance is the same as the current date. It returns true if they are on the same day, and false otherwise. This is a convenient way to determine if a date corresponds to the current day.

DateTime today = DateTime.now();
DateTime otherDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);

print(today.isToday);        // true
print(otherDate.isToday);    // false

Is Yesterday

The isYesterday extension checks whether the date of the DateTime instance is the same as the date of yesterday. It returns true if they are on the same day, and false otherwise. This is a convenient way to determine if a date corresponds to yesterday.

DateTime yesterday = DateTime.now().subtract(Duration(days: 1));
DateTime otherDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);

print(yesterday.isYesterday);        // true
print(otherDate.isYesterday);        // false

Is Tomorrow

The isTomorrow extension checks whether the date of the DateTime instance will be the same as the date of tomorrow. It returns true if they are on the same day, and false otherwise. This is a convenient way to determine if a date corresponds to tomorrow.

DateTime tomorrow = DateTime.now().add(Duration(days: 1));
DateTime otherDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);

print(tomorrow.isTomorrow);        // true
print(otherDate.isTomorrow);       // false

Is First Day of Month

The isFirstDayOfMonth extension returns true if the date is the first day of the month, and false otherwise. It compares the year, month, and day components of the DateTime instance with the date of the first day of the same month.

DateTime firstDay = DateTime(2024, 1, 1);
DateTime otherDay = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);

print(firstDay.isFirstDayOfMonth);  // true
print(otherDay.isFirstDayOfMonth);  // false

Is Last Day of Month

The isLastDayOfMonth extension returns true if the date is the last day of the month, and false otherwise. It compares the year, month, and day components of the DateTime instance with the date of the last day of the same month.

DateTime lastDay = DateTime(2024, 1, 31);
DateTime otherDay = DateTime(2024, 1, 18);

print(lastDay.isLastDayOfMonth);  // true
print(otherDay.isLastDayOfMonth);  // false

First Day of Month

The firstDayOfMonth extension returns a new DateTime instance with the same year and month as the original date but with the day set to 1 and the time set to midnight (00:00:00).

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime firstDay = currentDate.firstDayOfMonth;
print(firstDay);  // 2024-01-01 00:00:00

Last Day of Month

The lastDayOfMonth extension returns a new DateTime instance with the same year and month as the original date but with the day adjusted to the last day of that month.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime lastDayOfMonth = currentDate.lastDayOfMonth;
print(lastDayOfMonth);  // 2024-01-31 00:00:00

First Day of Week

The firstDayOfWeek extension returns a new DateTime instance with the same year, month, and hour as the original date but adjusted to the first day of the week. Daylight Saving Time is handled by setting the hour to 12:00 Noon rather than the default of Midnight (00:00:00).
Note: The week in this context is considered to start from Monday.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime firstDayOfWeek = currentDate.firstDayOfWeek;
print(firstDayOfWeek);  // 2024-01-03 12:00:00.000 (Assuming Monday is the first day of the week)

Last Day of Week

The lastDayOfWeek extension returns a new DateTime instance with the same year, month, and hour as the original date but adjusted to the last day of the week. Daylight Saving Time is handled by setting the hour to 12:00 Noon rather than the default of Midnight (00:00:00).
Note: The week in this context is considered to end on Sunday.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime lastDayOfWeek = currentDate.lastDayOfWeek;
print(lastDayOfWeek);  // 2024-01-09 12:00:00.000 (Assuming Sunday is the last day of the week)

Previous Month

The previousMonth extension calculates and returns a new DateTime instance with the same day and time as the original date but adjusted to the exact date of the previous month.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime previousMonthDate = currentDate.previousMonth;
print(previousMonthDate);  // 2023-12-08 00:00:00

Next Month

The nextMonth extension calculates and returns a new DateTime instance with the same day and time as the original date but adjusted to the exact date of the next month.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime nextMonthDate = currentDate.nextMonth;
print(nextMonthDate);  // 2023-2-08 00:00:00

Previous Week

The previousWeek extension calculates and returns a new DateTime instance by subtracting seven days from the original date, representing the exact date of the last week.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 15);
DateTime previousWeekDate = currentDate.previousWeek;
print(previousWeekDate);  // 2024-1-8 00:00:00

Next Week

The nextWeek extension calculates and returns a new DateTime instance by adding seven days to the original date, representing the exact date of the coming week.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime nextMonthWeek = currentDate.nextWeek;
print(nextWeekDate);  // 2024-1-15 00:00:00

Add Hours

The addHours method creates a new DateTime instance by adding the specified number of hours to the original date. The date components (year, month, day) remain unchanged.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8, 12, 0);
DateTime futureDate = currentDate.addHours(3);
print(futureDate);  // 2024-01-08 15:00:00.000

Add Days

The addDays method creates a new DateTime instance by adding the specified number of days to the original date. The time components (hour, minute, second, millisecond, microsecond) remain unchanged.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime futureDate = currentDate.addDays(5);
print(futureDate);  // 2024-01-13 00:00:00.000

Next Day

The nextDay extension provides a convenient way to obtain a new DateTime instance representing the day immediately following the original date.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime nextDay = currentDate.nextDay;
print(nextDay);  // 2024-01-09 00:00:00.000

Previous Day

The previousDay extension provides a convenient way to obtain a new DateTime instance representing the day immediately preceding the original date.

DateTime currentDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime previousDay = currentDate.previousDay;
print(previousDay);  // 2024-01-07 00:00:00.000

Days in Range

The daysInRange method generates a sequence of DateTime instances starting from the start date and continuing until, but not including, the end date. It accounts for time zone changes during the iteration.

Note: The range is inclusive for the start date and exclusive for the end date.

DateTime startDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime endDate = DateTime(2024, 1, 12);

Iterable dateRange = DateTime.daysInRange(startDate, endDate);
print(dateRange.toList());  // [2024-01-08 00:00:00.000, ..., 2024-01-11 00:00:00.000]

Number Extensions

Extensions for adding additional functionality to the num

Lorem Ipsum

The dateOnly method generates Lorem Ipsum text with a word count equal to this. It utilizes a predefined list of words to construct the text, repeating the words as needed to achieve the specified word count.

String loremIpsumText = 10.loremIpsum();
print(loremIpsumText); // 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit sed do'


The ordinal extension converts an integer into its English ordinal representation. It is commonly used to format numbers as ordinals, such as "1st", "22nd", "143rd", etc.

print(1.ordinal);   // 1st
print(22.ordinal);  // 22nd
print(143.ordinal); // 143rd
print(0.ordinal);   // 0th

Is Between

The between method checks if the current value is between the given [min] (inclusive) and [max] (exclusive). It returns `true` if the value is greater than or equal to [min] and less than [max].

num value = 5;
bool isBetween = value.between(0, 10);
print(isBetween);  // true

Is Outside

The outside method checks if the current value is outside the given [min] (exclusive) and [max] (inclusive). It returns `true` if the value is less than [min] and greater than [max].

num value = 15;
bool isOutside = value.outside(0, 10);
print(isOutside);  // true


The hightBox extension returns a SizedBox widget with the height set to the value of the current integer. It is commonly used in Flutter UI layouts to add empty space with a specific height.

int heightValue = 20;
SizedBox heightBox = heightValue.heightBox;


The widthBox extension returns a SizedBox widget with the Width set to the value of the current integer. It is commonly used in Flutter UI layouts to add empty space with a specific Width.

int widthValue = 20;
SizedBox widthBox = widthValue.widthBox;



The padAll method returns EdgeInsets with all offsets set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating consistent padding on all sides.

  padding: 15.padAll(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padVert method returns EdgeInsets with symmetric horizontal offsets set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating padding on the top and bottom sides.

  padding: 15.padVert(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padHrz method returns EdgeInsets with symmetric horizontal offsets set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating padding on the left and right sides.

  padding: 15.padHrz(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padTop method returns EdgeInsets with only the top offset set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating padding on the top side.

  padding: 15.padTop(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padBottom method returns EdgeInsets with only the bottom offset set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating padding on the bottom side.

  padding: 15.padBottom(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padLeft method returns EdgeInsets with only the left offset set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating padding on the left side.

  padding: 15.padLeft(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padRight method returns EdgeInsets with only the right offset set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating padding on the right side.

  padding: 15.padRight(), // Here
  widget: Container(),

The padOnly method returns EdgeInsets with specified offsets based on the provided parameters. It is useful for creating custom padding with different values for each side.

  padding:padOnly(l: 5, r: 5, t: 10, b: 15), // Here
  widget: Container(),

Circular Radius

The circular method returns a BorderRadiusGeometry with a circular radius set to the value of the current integer. It is useful for creating rounded corners with a consistent circular radius.

  decoration: BoxDecoration(
    borderRadius: 15.circular(), // Here

Container Extensions

Extensions for adding additional functionality to the Container

Rounded Corners

Add round corners to a Container. If the Container already has a color use backgroundColor instead and remove the Color from the Container it self

  height: 100,
  width: 100,
).withRoundCorners(backgroundColor: Colors.green, radius: 25)


Add shadow to a Container

  height: 100,
  width: 100,


When it comes to add empty space between widgets inside a Column or a Row, we have multiple options:

  • We can either add a Padding around these widgets but it's very verbose
  • Or we can add SizedBox widgets between them.

Gap is another option. It's like SizedBox but you don't have to know if it's inside a Row or a Column. So that it's less verbose than using a SizedBox.
You just have to add a Gap inside a Column or a Row with the specified extent. The Gap widget also works inside Scrollable widgets such as ListView. In these cases, it will occupy the space in the same direction as the Scrollable.

return Column(
children: [
	Container(color: Colors.red, height: 20),
	const Gap(20), // Adds an empty space of 20 pixels.
	Container(color: Colors.red, height: 20),

URL Strategy

If you want to remove the leading hash (#) from the URL of your Flutter web app, you can simply call setPathUrlStrategy in the main function of your app:

import 'package:extensions_kit/extensions_kit.dart';

void main() {
	// Here we set the URL strategy for our web app.
	// It is safe to call this function when running on mobile or desktop as well.

Now, your Flutter web app will not have a leading # in the URL anymore.
It is safe to call the function even when running on any other platform than web (which is the point of this package). That means that you can safely call setPathUrlStrategy when running on mobile or desktop - it will simply be a noop.

Note: Make sure that you have <base href="/"> included inside the head section of your web/index.html if you want to use the path URL strategy.
This is included by default when you create a new Flutter project.


An easy way to add shimmer effect in your Flutter project

Container(height: 50,width: 50,).applyShimmer();

You can also change the color of the shimmer using baseColor & highlightColor.

Alert Dialog

Displays an alert dialog based on the platform (iOS or Android).

  title: "Alert",
  message: "This is an alert message.",
  positiveButtonsTitle: ["OK"],
  onDone: (index) {
  print("Button pressed at index $index");

Avatar Image

backgroundImage: NetworkImage(
	shape: AvatarImageShape.standard,
	size: ImageSize.LARGE,
	child: Text('Lucky'),
		backgroundColor: Colors.red,

	shape: AvatarImageShape.circle,
	child: Text('JP'),
	backgroundColor: Colors.red,
image image
Properties Description

Type of [Widget], which can have text , icon etc


Color to fill the background of avatar


Color to change the textColor inside the avatar


Size of the avatar


Minimum size of the avatar


Maximum size of the avatar


Size of the avatar i.e. ImageSize.large, ImageSize.medium, ImageSize.small


Shape of the avatar i.e. AvatarImageShape.standard, AvatarImageShape.circle, AvatarImageShape.square


Extra radius to avatar shapes, not applicable to circular avatar



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